Modern Love: Waiting Patiently for the Wall to Crumble. New York Times,  August 31, 2014

Modern Love: Waiting Patiently for the Wall to Crumble. New York Times,  August 31, 2014

Empty Graves and Empty Boats. Shambhala Sun, March 2014

Empty Graves and Empty Boats. Shambhala Sun, March 2014

An American in Paris. Shambhala Sun Magazine, May 2013

An American in Paris. Shambhala Sun Magazine, May 2013

Not Quite Nirvana: A Skeptic's Journey to Mindfulness (Parallax Press, 2012)

Not Quite Nirvana: A Skeptic's Journey to Mindfulness (Parallax Press, 2012)

Making Peace with Christmas. AlterNet. December 16, 2011.

Making Peace with Christmas. AlterNet. December 16, 2011.

Cutting Out the Pattern. City Limits. June 2001.

Cutting Out the Pattern. City Limits. June 2001.

Rebel Dignity: Dispatches from the Zapatista Trek to Mexico City. The Village Voice. March 2001.

Rebel Dignity: Dispatches from the Zapatista Trek to Mexico City. The Village Voice. March 2001.

The Best Prince of My Life. AlterNet. July 2004.

The Best Prince of My Life. AlterNet. July 2004.